They don't allow stillettos in bootcamp...and other tales of my weight loss journey

Location: United States

Hi! My name is Kayla. I’m 28 years old and my goal is to blog about my weight loss journey and healthier lifestyle change. I am by no means a writer nor wish to be; however, I want to journal about my desire to be a healthier person. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Since I was a child I have always been larger girl and in reality I have always been larger than my family and friends. In college I decided to do the Atkins diet and lost 60 lbs and only kept it off for a year or so. I have done every diet known to man. I can remember my mom always trying to help me out by taking me to a “diet doctor” growing up and trying to help me with my weight problems. I have had my successes but obviously none have been a lifestyle change or I would not be where I am today. I am more than ready to take on the challenge of having a healthier lifestyle the healthy way.

Aug 30, 2011

Partner Week at Niki G's

Monday I started my 4th month at Niki G's. I actually think partner weeks is a great way to start out Niki G's especially for new members. Partnering up helps to keep you accountable and helps you to get to know your work out buddies. This morning I was Lindsey's partner which is also quite interesting/funny. I am like 2 times her size and she was supposed to hold me back from jogging up a hill with a rope tied around me. Humorous I am sure! Then we switched roles and I got to pull her back with the rope! I thought the rope was going to cut her in half. If I really wanted to I could have pulled her down. She was such a good sport!

Aug 25, 2011

Slacking a bit!

Saturday night I went to the Wilson County Fair with some girls! We had so much fun and ate some really yummy food. I didn't do too bad! I had a grilled pork chop sandwich, roasted corn, and sampled a friends fried pickles! Well, I did drink too much sweet tea and had some homemade ice cream :) Fun times!

Since the fair I have not done my best by getting to Niki G's. As of Friday, August 19th, I had went to Niki G's 15/19 days of August. So proud of my attendance! It's not that I have purposely missed I have just been busy. Monday morning, I was unable to go because I was out of town. Tuesday I went...Wednesday I had planned on going; however, my sister (Alice) called and said she was coming to visit which I was super excited about because I never get to see her and I stayed up way too late..I was up past midnight and had intentions on waking up to go to boot camp at 5 am. Well needless to say, I got two text from my workout buddies at 4:45 am saying they were not going due to various reasons and I was actually secretly excited because I had only had a little over 4 hours of sleep. And you guessed it, I did not go either. This just proves having a workout buddy is key to success!!! We have helped each other get to boot camp for the past several months. I regret not going but I do know I would of been useless the rest of the day. I promise to do better and try my best to go to boot camp on Saturday. Stay tuned for the update.....

Aug 18, 2011

"Do your best and forget the rest" - Lindsey

I was so honored to help several friends host Lindsey a His/Her shower this past weekend. Can you tell I was exhausted, but everything was so worth it. Lindsey is truly one of my very best friends and has been my #1 motivator since we both joined boot camp. I sure hope she continues boot camp after her wedding! :)

This week at boot camp is speed week (aka sprints). Specifically we have been doing tabata sprints! Tabata sprints can be done a variety of different ways. Basically you sprint as hard as you can for 20 seconds walk for 10 seconds, repeat 7+ times. Tabata sprints are a highly effective fat loss choice per my trainer! We shall see! This morning I learned a fun fact that I did not know. While doing cardio, you only burn fat while doing the cardio; however, after doing weight training you continue to burn fat post the workout.

I'm going to leave you with a quote Lindsey told me this morning.

"Do your best and forget the rest."

Aug 12, 2011

5AM workout is killing me smalls!

Early morning workout is killing me SMALLS killing me!!! Don't you just love the movie Sandlot! I do!! I just looked the movie up and it sure does show my age. 1993!!! Seems like yesterday.

Do you have those days when you just feel fat and ugly!!! Well I had one of those moments! Yesterday while working out I looked in the mirror and it was not a pretty sight. Roll after roll not pretty! My face does not go with my body. Hopefully they will match up soon enough! I know I am doing something about it but I don't want to face reality. Who does? Why have I let myself go as long as I did? What can I do about it now? Well a lot! I need to really really start eating clean and continue with the exercise. Usually I lack in the exercise arena; however, now its eating healthy! I watch what I eat and try to be healthy. I just know I need to do better. I hope to attend Niki G's nutrition class in the near future. I will say I am doing weight watchers and did lose 2 LBS this week.

On another note, today I needed to go to Whole Foods to get some vegan items. I am hosting a His/Her shower this weekend for Lindsey and she is vegan. I am a bit nervous because I have never prepared for a vegan. I need to start because she cooks for me often (even meat). Shame on me! I will do better Lindsey! So, I thought while I am here I will grab lunch. I was craving chicken tenders and they looked delish! For some reason nothing else looked appealing, but I got 3 chicken tenders and some potato salad. I thought I need to be somewhat healthy and opted for a small salad (lettuce, red beans, corn, onion, ) all for a total of $16. I was so mad. I almost told them to keep it. I guess it was the dressing on the salad? I am still confused because I did not get a lot of food. I will not be going there. It was good but not $16 good. I would have much rather went to J. Alex. Honestly, by the time I got back to work I didn't even want the food from Whole Foods! I will not be eating out tonight that's for sure.

I am super excited about this weekend. My good friend from college, Andrea, is coming in and I have not seen her in 2 years. I have 2 showers for two special friends (Lindsey and Leslie Ann) and meeting with friends to plan a bachelorette party! My weekend is crammed pack with things to do.

I promise not to indulge too much this weekend as I know the mirror at the studio will be waiting on me on Monday morning!

Aug 8, 2011

Planking down on the farm!!

Ok so this made me super nervous as my uncle had just waxed the tractor. I almost slipped several times!!! Tractor is a lot larger than it looks.. NO idea why Jennifer did not take a picture of the whole tractor!!!

Planking in the bean field behind my parents house was Jennifer's idea. This took us several times to get the props right. Try planking on two saw horses!!! Not easy but it was a fun adventure!!! Like the Deep Conditioner on my hair? :)

I chose to participate in the Niki G's plank contest in hopes to win a free month. I am not sure if she received the picture. I think posted it wrong on face book and by the time I got to a computer to fix it it was too late. O well! I didn't win, but I did have fun with my family planking outside. Even Melonee was trying to plank. It was too cute.

Prior to joining Niki G's I did not sweat at all. That has totally changed! It's so gross to me to sweat, but I try to remember that sweat is a good thing! I sweat more often even when I am not working out. According to Lance Armstrong's coach, Chris Carmichael, as you become more fit you sweat sooner and you sweat more. I agree!!

Thank you all for liking my FB status and the support through my get fit journey!!

Aug 5, 2011

Window of opportunity!!!

One thing that I actually really like about boot camp is that everyday I know there is only 2 hours I can choose to workout (5:15 am or 6pm) that fits my schedule. I know many mornings I have woke up thinking I really don't want to go, but then I realize its now or never due to work/or other obligations. I really think this has helped to keep me accountable. This morning I woke up late because I forgot to charge my phone. It was 5:06, I thought to myself should I roll over or get up and go and be a few minutes late. I assumed Lindsey had already left me, but to my surprise she had text me and said she was not feeling well. Of course on the way there, I got behind a slow poke which made me more nervous. I luckily got there before we were assigning our running route!! This morning was rough. Lots of push-ups and sit-ups and lifting!!! Lately we have been doing a lot of partner work which helps to keep me going even though I want to stop during the workout. All in all I am thankful for the opportunity to work out at Niki G's!

Aug 4, 2011

Dragging....Please let me get through this day!!!

I knew this morning was going to be crazy and it sure has been!! I woke up without the alarm to go to boot camp at 4:50. Maybe my body is getting used to the lack of sleep. The past two boot camps have been killers!!! To start, yesterday we were unable to run as much due to the extreme heat and temperature well over 100 degrees. This meant more time with Whitney in the studio. Always a good thing..:) I can't even begin to describe what all we did. Lots of sit-ups..Rolling back and popping up and jumping....etc..It was hard that is for sure!!!

This mornings boot camp was rough as well! We ran and did lots of lunges...more lunges up a hill..high knees...more lunges..etc..we actually went over on time today and did not get out until 6:24. Yes I knew exact because I had to shower and meet a patient by 7:30. I was out the door by 7 and made it to my patient with 2 minutes to spare!!!! Impressive, eh!!! I did not look my best but knew I needed to get my workout in. I am concerned about my new job interfering with me working out early. Some mornings I have patients at 6:30. :(

Ok so true story. Lindsey, Mandi, and I ride to boot camp together, fun times! On the way home, Lindsey decides to tell me my shirt was inside out she saw the tag on the side of my shirt. I looked down and saw the Nike sign reversed.. and sure enough my shirt was inside out. I had no idea, I told them I guess I can turn it the other way and wear it again tomorrow,ha! Kidding...after our workout I am sure it was sweaty on both sides... I am zombie in the morning prior to boot camp. I do good to brush my teeth!

All this to say, I am really really dragging this morning. I seriously almost fell asleep driving to work and scares me....I rolled the windows down, turned on the AC, and slapped my face, etc. I don't know what to do. I really feel like I get plenty of sleep but I don't think I am resting. I pray this gets better. I thought with working out I would have more energy. Don't get me wrong I do feel better but I could fall asleep right now!!! I sure hope today goes by fast!!!

11 1/2 more inches gone!!! Yah for MONTH #3 of bootcamp!

I have been super excited about boot camp starting this month because my boot camp buddy Lindsey decided to come back :) and Mandi joined boot camp this month!!! This month is going to be so much fun! My results from this months test day included : me running/walking the mile in 13 minutes and doing 30 sit-ups. Now to the bad part, I still cannot do a push-up!!! what I keep telling myself. Also, I went to WW this week and only gained .8 LBS. I was excited because after my vacation I thought I would have gained more!!I also lost 11 1/2 inches this month. Not as many as the first month, but still excited about the results with Niki G's boot camp. I have decided to start back slowly running again! Hopefully, I have strengthened my knee over the past two months. If not, I will continue to walk. My goal this week/ next week is to bring my lunch and stop eating out! I have not taken the time to go to the grocery but I did last night :)

Aug 1, 2011

Girls Trip to Palm Springs and LA

Last week I was lucky enough to travel to California with two of my best friends (Kara and Mandi). While packing I kept going back and forth to take work out clothes and tennis shoes or not. I ended up packing both. The first morning I was there I woke up and went for a jog and it was absolutely beautiful. While running through the golf course at the resort I heard someone come on a speaker to inform me that I was not allowed to run on the golf course. I just turned around and went the other way and acted like I didn't not hear them. Unfortuanetly this was the only time that I ran on the trip. However, we did do water aerobics in the pool which was fun! I was not a fan of the instructor! It seemed as if she were just going through the motions and hated her job. To say the least I am proud I chose to exercise even if it were just twice. In the past, there would be no working out on vacation period!! Also, I tried to be very consious about drinking. One night we went to the pool and I chose not to drink because I didn't need the calories. It was totally fine! I probably wasn't as fun/talkative, but I still was able to enjoy myself.