They don't allow stillettos in bootcamp...and other tales of my weight loss journey

Location: United States

Hi! My name is Kayla. I’m 28 years old and my goal is to blog about my weight loss journey and healthier lifestyle change. I am by no means a writer nor wish to be; however, I want to journal about my desire to be a healthier person. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Since I was a child I have always been larger girl and in reality I have always been larger than my family and friends. In college I decided to do the Atkins diet and lost 60 lbs and only kept it off for a year or so. I have done every diet known to man. I can remember my mom always trying to help me out by taking me to a “diet doctor” growing up and trying to help me with my weight problems. I have had my successes but obviously none have been a lifestyle change or I would not be where I am today. I am more than ready to take on the challenge of having a healthier lifestyle the healthy way.

Nov 2, 2011

Shaved 2 minutes off!

Yesterday was test day at Niki G's and I decided I was going to run instead of walking. I began out at a steady pace; however, needing to walk a little until I reached the 1/2 mile mark and I just kept running and running without stopping. I ran the entire 1/2 mile without stopping! This is a first! I kept setting goals for me to reach (trees, stop signs, etc) I got to the mile finish line at 12:24 minutes. When I first started Niki G's I was at 14:05 for my 1 mile. I am happy with shaving 2 minutes off considering I have been walking the past few months. I still have not mastered the push-ups, I was able to do 4. I did 25 sit-ups.

Oct 20, 2011

Playground Fun!

Yesterday was unusually cool and rainy for this time of year. I chose to wear long sleeves yesterday because I knew we would do our usual run outside, but I thought we would work out the rest of the class in the studio..WRONG and WRONG. O yes we worked out at the playground the majority of the class. If you have worked out at Niki G's Lenox Village you know the playground work outs are never fun. Luckily it was not raining, but it sure was cold. We did lots of leg lifts onto benches, jumps, sit ups, and lots of planking while holding kettle ball between the leg. My core got an awesome workout yesterday, I am feeling it today!

Crab crawls are on the agenda for today's class. So sad I will miss them because I will be at WICKED!!!

Oct 19, 2011


This morning for some reason I thought I would weigh myself. While I was brushing my teeth, I thought weighing is either going to put me in really good spirits or its going to bring me down. I thought and thought should I weigh or not. (Keep in mind I have not weighed in several weeks since I stopped weight watchers) I decided I needed to face reality and step up on the scale. I stepped up on the scale and it was 11LBS less than before. I stepped back up again and again and it kept giving me the same number! Yah!! I am pumped because I have been really discouraged about my weight. Last week, I began to semi do the "Our Skinny" diet at the advise of my my friend Becca who works at a weight loss clinic in Savannah. I only did it 4 days. I drank two shakes a day and had 2 meals along with a protein bar. I think I am going to continue to do the shakes for awhile. They are pretty tasty and nutritious. I plan to go to boot camp tonight. Can't wait to see what games Whitney has in store for me!! Today is abs not my favorite day but gotta work that CORE!!

Oct 18, 2011

33.25 inches!

This week at Niki G's is game week in preparation for inaugural games this weekend. I will not be able to attend because it is my 10 year reunion. However, I sure did enjoy the games we did in class yesterday. We did tug of war with partners and also another game where we lined up and passed the ball over and under to the person behind us along with sprinting up the hill behind the studio. Yesterday, Whitney told me I seemed to have more energy. I don't know what it was, but I really loved class yesterday and pushed myself harder than I have the past few weeks. I also was able to run further. Yah for me:) Yesterday, I was so pumped I decided to measure myself. Since I began Niki G's in June I have lost a total of 33.35 inches! So very proud! I still have more goals to meet, but I always keep in mind that I can do it and I am very fortunate to have the support from all of you.


Playing Catch Up

Last week due to traffic again I was a few minutes late to boot camp. I am talking only 6 minutes. After changing into my workout clothes I ran out the door without grabbing weights because I had decided I was going to start running again today. Usually I would grab two 5LB weights to walk. I told Whitney my plan and she said here grab these two kettle bells and run with them. OK! I looked at them (1 was 10 LB and 1 was 15LB) and was thinking I can't do this and she said yes you can, "you have some catching up to do.!!!" So off I went up the hill behind the studio which is a killer hill while the rest of the class was running the normal mile without weights! I hated it at the time but I am sure it was good for me.

I was only able to work out twice last week due to Leslie Ann's wedding week. It turned out fabulous...still exhausted but worth it in the end!!! P.S. was another reason I joined Niki G's along with my 10 year reunion which is this weekend. I'll be sure to post pics. :)

Some of my favorite peeps!!! :)

Sep 30, 2011


This week at Niki G's we have been focusing on endurance. This means longer sets, extra reps, and heavier weights. Let's just say that prior to this week I could/would only lift 5LB weights. Not this week. ON Tuesday, she had stations set up in the studio. Of course, I was the last one in from our mile run and once I get the my station the heavier weights (18LB) were the only ones left. I honestly thought I was going to have to go switch them out. We had to double up and lift the weights with one hand. At first, I just used the 10LB until Whitney came over and told me to pick up that 8LB weight and add it to my 10LB. I know I had this terrible look on my face but she just kept pushing me and I was able to lift 18LB for several reps with both hands. This may not sound like a lot but go try it. I'll just say that there are people who have been doing the class for several years and still lift with 5LB weights.

When I left work last night, I was determined to go to boot camp. After sitting in traffic for an hour, I posted on facebook "so much for working out tonight due to bootcamp." My trainer Whitney immediately responded better to come late than not at all. So true, I posted back I'll be there as soon as I can. Needless to say I was about 20 minutes late. Ironically enough she worked us over about 20 minutes. How ironic because we have never went over that much. She really wanted me to get my full 60 min workout in. Last night, was my hardest night ever at Niki G's. First, I was told to put on these sweaty gloves from the previous class which totally grossed me out. First, we did multiple variations of my favorite (NOT) push-ups which at first I was doing them down hill which was apparently more difficult. I turned around quickly and continued with the routine. Next, to do crab crawls backwards up a hill which just about killed me. I seriously asked three times if there was something else I could do and she kept telling me NO! I needless to say was getting frustrated. I kept going and finally just sat down after dragging my bottom a couple of times. I was thinking I am totally ruining my new work out pants on this pavement. Whitney came over and kept motivating me and helping me to get focused to continue on with my crab crawls. She would count to 10 then let me rest 5 and eventually I got up to 20 seconds and resting 5. It helps so much to have a trainer that cares so much about you and ability to motivate you to succeed. I still have a long road ahead of me but I am closer to my goal than five months ago.

Sep 8, 2011


Last night I didn't go to boot camp because I had so much to do before leaving for my vacation to Ft. Lauderdale. While packing, I started trying on clothes to see what I wanted to take. Are you ready for this! I tried on my skinny jeans and jeggings and they are so tight! I can tell in my thighs and calves that I have really toned up and gained lots of musle! Well, to me this is not the best thing for me! I need to lose a lot of weight and do not need to gain in inches! I have always struggled with losing weight and this go around is not any easier! I probably have not been eating as "clean" as I should but I honestly do not eat terrible! My trainer is also a nutritionist and I hope to meet with her soon to get better control of my intake. Its the never ending battle!! I am not giving up, but I sure am frustrated!

I was frustrated last night and decided I was not going this morning..Guess what! I don't know what happened, but I woke up feeling rejuvenated and went to class! So glad that I did!