Location: United States

Hi! My name is Kayla. I’m 28 years old and my goal is to blog about my weight loss journey and healthier lifestyle change. I am by no means a writer nor wish to be; however, I want to journal about my desire to be a healthier person. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Since I was a child I have always been larger girl and in reality I have always been larger than my family and friends. In college I decided to do the Atkins diet and lost 60 lbs and only kept it off for a year or so. I have done every diet known to man. I can remember my mom always trying to help me out by taking me to a “diet doctor” growing up and trying to help me with my weight problems. I have had my successes but obviously none have been a lifestyle change or I would not be where I am today. I am more than ready to take on the challenge of having a healthier lifestyle the healthy way.

Oct 18, 2011

33.25 inches!

This week at Niki G's is game week in preparation for inaugural games this weekend. I will not be able to attend because it is my 10 year reunion. However, I sure did enjoy the games we did in class yesterday. We did tug of war with partners and also another game where we lined up and passed the ball over and under to the person behind us along with sprinting up the hill behind the studio. Yesterday, Whitney told me I seemed to have more energy. I don't know what it was, but I really loved class yesterday and pushed myself harder than I have the past few weeks. I also was able to run further. Yah for me:) Yesterday, I was so pumped I decided to measure myself. Since I began Niki G's in June I have lost a total of 33.35 inches! So very proud! I still have more goals to meet, but I always keep in mind that I can do it and I am very fortunate to have the support from all of you.



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