Location: United States

Hi! My name is Kayla. I’m 28 years old and my goal is to blog about my weight loss journey and healthier lifestyle change. I am by no means a writer nor wish to be; however, I want to journal about my desire to be a healthier person. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Since I was a child I have always been larger girl and in reality I have always been larger than my family and friends. In college I decided to do the Atkins diet and lost 60 lbs and only kept it off for a year or so. I have done every diet known to man. I can remember my mom always trying to help me out by taking me to a “diet doctor” growing up and trying to help me with my weight problems. I have had my successes but obviously none have been a lifestyle change or I would not be where I am today. I am more than ready to take on the challenge of having a healthier lifestyle the healthy way.

Jun 14, 2011

1000 calories in an hour

Today I burned 1000 calories in an hour!!! That seems pretty impressive to me. I was super excited! Today we did longer sprints, skipped sideways with weights up a hill,variation of push-ups, and the boat position which is really hard. I was able to do the "boat" position for several seconds. Whitney actually commented to me after the workout and said good job on the boat...I asked Lindsey what the heck the boat was. Needless to say she explained it was the very hard position when your body is shaped like a C and you are rocking back and forth. It was so HARD!!! No to the not so good news, I have hurt my knee. My knee has been hurting now for couple weeks, but it was more of a muscle soreness. Not today! I can tell that I have done something. Low impact for me for the next few days. I am going to take tomorrow off to rest. I called my doctor to call me a stronger dose of anti inflammatory but she said I should go see a specialist. YUCK! The soonest they can get me in is a week from tomorrow..Not sure what I should do other than take Motrin. I do have a prescription from 2004 I could take. I may try that and see if it helps. I assume it will be less effective since its out of date. I really hope this knee does not hold me back...maybe its just strained...keeping my fingers crossed. O and a coworker today said they could tell I had lost weight in my face. Yah!! Tomorrow is weigh in day at weight watchers. I hope I did well. Last night I cooked my meals for the week. I made homemade whole wheat pizza with ground turkey, onion, mushroom, and a little cheese. Also, I made a maple mustard pork tenderloin (which was so tasty and easy) with brown rice and succotash. Delish!! O btw if you have not tried the frozen rice pack at trader Joe's its a must! You microwave the bags and the rice comes out perfect! Tonight, I am going to a friends house for supper club. Hope she cooks something semi healthy. You may be wondering what super club is. A group of girls from college started a super club a couple years ago which is where each month someone hosts a dinner at their home. Fun!! Wish me luck on my 2nd interview tomorrow..I have to consent a doctor to a study. Hope my anxiety stays at bay :)


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