Location: United States

Hi! My name is Kayla. I’m 28 years old and my goal is to blog about my weight loss journey and healthier lifestyle change. I am by no means a writer nor wish to be; however, I want to journal about my desire to be a healthier person. I have struggled with my weight my entire life. Since I was a child I have always been larger girl and in reality I have always been larger than my family and friends. In college I decided to do the Atkins diet and lost 60 lbs and only kept it off for a year or so. I have done every diet known to man. I can remember my mom always trying to help me out by taking me to a “diet doctor” growing up and trying to help me with my weight problems. I have had my successes but obviously none have been a lifestyle change or I would not be where I am today. I am more than ready to take on the challenge of having a healthier lifestyle the healthy way.

Jun 2, 2011

Week 1 of Bootcamp

Tuesday, May 31st, Lindsey,my neighbor and best friend, was in my drive at 4:45 am ready to go to my first day of boot camp. For those of you that know me, know that I am not a morning person at all! Waking up to go to a 5:15 boot camp class is a challenge in itself for me. While on the way Lindsey told me she went the day before to the boot camp class. She is an over achiever! She let me know that the first day is going to be a "test" day which includes me running a timed mile, push-ups, sit-ups. Of course, this made me even more nervous. I was able to run the mile in 14 min and 5 seconds, do 7 sit-ups, and 1 "real man " push-up. I was pretty embarrassed but at least I am taking the first step and ready to do something about becoming more physically fit.

Day 2 happened to be on Wednesday which meant the class was at 6pm. I left work an hour early to make sure I would arrive on time. Little did I know that traffic was going to be the worst I had ever seen it. I was panicking as I signed an agreement that stated I would not be late. Should I go or not go? Then I remembered Whitney the instructor was doing my measurements. I had to go and wanted to go but was again nervous for other reasons. I sped through town as much as I could and made it to the class by 6:10. I rushed in and had to use the restroom because I was hydrating as much as possible prior to class. Missed the warm up portion of the work and took off running up the steep hill several minutes behind everyone else and surprisingly I was not the last one to finish our mile. After class, I appreciated the morning classes because it was not far from 100 degrees outside and it was only June 1st.

Day 3 - Today it was extremely hard to get up. Last night I could not go to sleep after working out. I could tell my body was tired but i could not go to sleep for the life of me. I kept looking at eh clock and counting down the hours until I had to be back up ready for boot camp. The last time I looked at eh clock it was midnight, that meant 4 1/2 hours of sleep for me. Luckily I had thought of a way to maximize my sleep time, so I thought. I decided to sleep in my workout clothes, laid my protein bar on my nightstand, and had my water ready in the refrigerator. I would just have to pop up and put my shoes on and go!! Well guess what...this was not the best idea. I woke up at 3 am and was in pain from my tight sports bra. I was in so much discomfort I had to get up and take them off..Whew...what a relief. Today we die every kind of push-up you can imagine. Before beginning boot camp this was my major fear because I cannot do one push-up. Somehow I managed to do them. They were far from perfect but at least I tried. I definitely need to work on my upper strength. I am sore in places I didn't even know could get sore. I am feeling muscles I have never felt.

Day 4 - After starting boot camp it was recommended by the guidelines to set 3 alarms in the morning to make sure we make it to class. Of course, I always set multiple alarms and never hear them. Just ask my roommate if you don't believe me. As of day 4, I had been doing really well on waking up on time. Well, at 4:53am Lindsey had text me that she is outside. Of course, I didn't hear the text. She finally called me after waiting patiently outside and said ARE YOU COMING? I told her I will be right there. I had obviously over slept. I had not heard my alarm or text. I was completely out of it. I ran out the door barefooted, grabbed my new shoes our of my car, and we were off barely making it on time. Well, we were a couple minutes late. Today was super tough for me because I am still sore from the past 3 days. A girl in the class told me it's going to be tough for the first month and she is skinny!! We did legs today. We did the majority of the class outside luckily it was not too hot. We were told to pair up with a partner, I paired up with Lindsey. we were told to wrap a stretch cord around us both and Lindsey was to pull me up a hill sideways while I am doing squats and attempting to prevent her from pulling me up..This was a lot harder than it sounds. Lindsey was definitely great at motivating me because I really wanted to quit but kept going and going and going. We did this scenario 4 times. And after doing this fun exercise we ran back to the studio. On the way back, I decided to set goals (i.e..trees, streets, etc.) that I could run to before walking a bit. This really worked. I actually was able to run the majority of the way back which is more than I have ever run in my life. O were not finished yet! We grabbed our mats and on to the floor for some more leg and hip exercises. Luckily our instructor, Whitney, explains each exercise 3 different ways depending on your level. This is great for me because I am a beginner..They are still not easy. I try to concentrate on getting the form right and by the time I get it right it's on to the next move. I am certain by next week it is going to be easier..O,did I mention that I tend to get called out during class...Whitney will say Good job, Kayla. I think to myself.. I must be doing it wrong or she realizes that I am struggling and need some confidence. It does help!! Well, tomorrow morning will be the end of week 1. I am super excited!! Boot camp is exhausting but I love it and I am sure it will be easier and easier each week.


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